Leisner+Alert-it demo
Leisner ERP/CRM solution
Login as employee or supplier
Login as customer
Trådløs prototype
1: finder enheder mv
2: viser kortslutning
Hospitals/familie kald løsning
Alert-it ERP/CRM solution
login as employee or supplier
There is a small change in this solution. Before login you have to change tenant/solution;
Meeting 28/9-2023
Video with talk about Alert-it requirements
Katya demo til Alert-it af PowerAutomate+MS Forms de sidste 10 minutter
Meeting 18/12 2023 with Tony for ticket and SubCustomer demo:
SubCustomer+TicketForGroup Demo 1/2
SubCustomer+TicketForGroup Demo 2/2
Meeting 20/12 2023 with Amir talking about use of Faults for project management + SubCustomer part ofAlert-It
Fault for ProjectManagement + SubCostmer chaanges
Meeting 2024-01-04 with Michael+Aamir+Andree about latest BeckCRM changes.mp4
Meeting 2024-01-06 Michael+Aamir about Tony FaultPhonecall Requirements